A TWICE-convicted paedophile was jailed again yesterday after he befriended a vulnerable family to target their young daughter.

William Hornigold, 51, was told by the judge that he was a danger to young children and that his behaviour to them was extremely harmful.

His latest child victim, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was badly affected by his sexual assaults, said Judge Michael Taylor.

Hornigold, of Gleneagles Road, Middlesbrough, had previously been convicted of offences against children in 1969 and 1987. He pleaded guilty to two charges of indecent assault.

Judge Taylor told him at Teesside Crown Court: "You befriended a vulnerable family and you formed a relationship with a very vulnerable young child.

"Your past experience must have made it plain to you that you were taking advantage of these people for your own gratification. You say that you thought that your affection for this girl was being reciprocated.

"It's plain to me that you represent a danger to young children. You sought out that girl, obtained her confidence and then you started to assault her.

"The Probation Service assesses you as a very high risk to children."

Peter Sabiston, defending, said that Hornigold was a very lonely person after the deaths of his parents and his brother when he committed the offences.

He was jailed for 30 months and was put under supervision for ten years. He was also ordered to register as a sex offender for life.