Easington'S MP has praised a partnership which is helping cut crime and reduce anti-social behaviour.

John Cummings applauded the Easington District Community Safety Partnership after attending a preview of the group's base due to open in Peterlee next month.

He said: "The benefits of a multi-agency approach is most certainly beginning to produce results.

"The partnership has brought together District and County Council Community Safety Teams, Youth Offending Team, Youth Inclusion Project, Victim Support, Domestic Violence Forum, Easington Substance Misuse Initiative and On Track in a single base.''

The multi-agency group, he said also worked closely with the police.

As the group prepares to set up shop in Peterlee's Lee House it was revealed that a local audit will shortly show substantial reductions in crime.

Mr Cummings said: "Concerns about drugs, drug related crime and anti-social behaviour, particularly involving juveniles are issues regularly raised by constituents at my advice surgeries. Undoubtedly the work carried out by the Community Safety Partnership has significantly contributed to success in this key area.''

He said there was a lot more work still to do to stamp out the menace of drugs which had blighted so many lives in the community, but the Partnership he said had made great inroads.

He said: "The Community Safety Partnership in Easington District is a model of good practice and one which is attracting national acclaim. It has been successful in drawing down over four million pounds of funding from the Government through competitive bidding since the group was established three years ago."