GOLDEN jubilee celebrations on Hurworth village green were given the go-ahead this week.

At Tuesday's parish meeting, members enthusiastically backed plans to erect a flag pole on the green to fly the Union Jack over the jubilee bank holiday weekend.

Hurworth Concert Band was also given permission to give a special concert on the green on Sunday, June 2.

Monday, June 3 and Tuesday, June 4, have been designated as official bank holidays across the UK to celebrate the Queen's 50 years as monarch.

Coun Ian Black, said: "I think that flying a flag on the green is an excellent idea, and for the band to play as well is just brilliant."

The pole will be erected by Harrison Bros steeplejacks and members advised that it be placed in the same position as the Christmas tree.

Blands Corner. - Work has begun to install new road markings on the approaches to Blands Corner roundabout as well as signs to Hurworth and Hurworth Place.

Flooding. - Northumbrian Water had replied to the clerk's letter regarding blocked gullies and flooding in West End. They claimed remedial work carried out last year had solved the flooding problems associated with the public sewer, but the highway gullies, drains and associated pipework were the responsibility of the highway authority.

The only outstanding work following last year's floods was said to be a possible land drainage connection to the public sewer at the rear of West End. Work to verify the situation had been re-scheduled following the lifting of foot-and-mouth restrictions. Darlington council was undertaking repair work to prevent the road flooding in the future.

New bus. - The number 14 Arriva bus service taking passengers from Hurworth and Neasham into town via Roundhill Road and the Memorial Hospital, is working well according to feedback from users.

Vandalism. - Nineteen windows in the comprehensive school were smashed last weekend as vandals with air rifles struck again. Both the comprehensive and the junior school suffered similar damage the previous weekend and police believe the same culprits are responsible for this latest attack. Coun Peter Foster said: "These were massive windows and will be very expensive to replace." See story on page one.

Vandals also hit the Nattrass garden centre at the end of January, kicking in fence panels. PC Karl Lowe urges people to ring him on 07759 957019 if they see anyone hanging around the schools.

Thefts. - Two homes in Roundhill Road and Croft Road were burgled on the night of January 16.

An attempted burglary was also made on another house in Croft Road on the same night. A 50cc motor scooter was stolen in daylight from a house in The Birches and a strobe light was taken from The Grange Community Centre.

Car damage. - Police have warned motorists to be vigilant after another spate of criminal damage to vehicles parked around the Green.

Planning. - Members supported planning objections to a first-floor bedroom extension and ground-floor utility room at 1 Mowbray Drive.

Neighbours have lodged an appeal with Darlington planning committee against the proposal claiming the extension would be visually intrusive and not in keeping with the character of nearby houses.

The extension would leave a 25ft gable end butting the neighbouring property.

Coun Peter Foster said: "The extension is the size of half a house. This development is special because of the open space around the houses. If this gets built on then it will set a precedent."

Formal objections will be made to the planning committee asking them to be mindful of the effects the 25ft gable end would have on visual amenity.

Litter. - Coun Alan Gibson reported a resurgence of litter along the verges on the A167 Croft Road. The clerk will write to the borough council to ask when the verge clearing programme is due to restart.

Potholes. - Three potholes in Roundhill Road will be reported to the highways department along with a large one that has appeared near to Dr Bagshaw's home on the main road.

Tidy village. - Hurworth is to enter the County Durham Tidy Village competition again this year. A £10 donation has been made to the organisers of the competition.

New lap-top. - The parish council computer used by the clerk has broken down beyond repair.

After much discussion on what type of system to buy, it was decided that the clerk would benefit from a mobile lap-top system that he could use at home and at meetings. The system, complete with necessary software for the job, will be bought through Darlington Borough Council for £964 + VAT. The VAT will be reclaimed and the price includes a one-year collect and returns service as well as on-hand technical support from Town Hall IT experts.

The computer will be bought using some of the money set aside for building repair works to The Grange.

Grange driveway.- Darlington council has given written support to an application for a County Durham Environmental Trust (CDENT) grant to widen and improve the driveway to The Grange.

The Grange is home to the village's only recycling centre and the damage to the drive has been caused by the huge recycling wagons. The Grange Management Association will make a bid to cover the estimated £5,000 worth of work needed to improve the drive.

Chairman John Lawrie, who is also chairman of the management committee, revealed that that about £1,000 was also available through the government's environmental Local Agenda 21 project to support such a scheme. Bids for both lots of funding will be made shortly.

School excellence.- Hurworth Comprehensive school is preparing to become a specialist maths and computing college.

If achieved, the status will mean the school becomes a centre of excellence in both topics offering pupils and the local community the chance to broaden their skills.

A meeting to initiate a partnership between the community centre and the school will be held shortly where discussions could lead to a pooling of facilities.

Green seat.- A local resident has offered to donate and erect a seat on the village green to enable people to rest after a walk. Coun Rod Burtt told members: "The man likes to rest after a walk and wondered if it would meet with your approval."

Coun Foster replied: "It's a fantastic offer. We are always short of seats in the village."

A suitable location on the green will be found shortly for the seat.