HOSPITAL staff can put their latest patient through hours of life-saving treatment without a single ache or pain.

League of Friends supporters in south-west Durham have bought a £7,000 training model for Bishop Auckland's new hospital, due to open next month.

The interactive system links a life-sized dummy to a laptop computer programmed to simulate real life situations, such as cardiac arrests.

Doctors, nurses and other health care professionals will use it to practise resuscitation, defibrillation and electro-cardiography. They can also be assessed on how they carried out the procedure.

In the past few months the Friends have collected £21,000 through raffles, a tea bar and other activities.

Dr Richard Prescott, consultant physician and clinical tutor at Bishop Auckland General Hospital, said: "It is vitally important that not only doctors, but all health care professionals are trained to the highest standard in resuscitation techniques.

"This state-of-the art training system will allow the development of advanced life support training at Bishop Auckland Hospital and we are very grateful to the League of Friends for their donation."