From this newspaper 100 years ago.

Fashionable wedding in Wensleydale. Very seldom have the inhabitants of Askrigg witnessed so pretty a wedding as that which took place on Monday, on the occasion of the marriage of Miss Sykes, eldest daughter of Mr & Mrs S Sykes, of Askrigg, to Mr J H Lomax of West Bowling, Bradford.

For many weeks past, this event had been looked forward to with pleasurable interest by people in Askrigg.

The announcement of the marriage and the high regard in which the bride is held, on account of her invaluable service to the Primitive Methodist Society and the Askrigg Band of Hope, brought a large concourse of people into the village.

They were proud of having the honour of extending their hearty good wishes to the bride, as she passed along the street on her way to the chapel.

After the ceremony, merry peals of bells were rung and a large crowd assembled at the station to witness the couple's departure.

At 5.25 the happy pair left for Grange-over-Sands for their honeymoon.

From this newspaper 50 years ago. - A badger killed at Black Hill Farm, Northallerton, reportedly weighed 38lb 8oz, using scales checked for accuracy the previous day. It measured 4ft from nose to tail and was certainly an outsized animal, but far from a record weight.

Another badger was killed at Seaham Harbour weighing 50lb, while a 63lb animal was killed near Doncaster. Badgers are heaviest when gorged with food for the winter, as in the case of the mammoth Northallerton boar.

From this newspaper 25 years ago. - Guisborough gardeners had a pleasant surprise when the Gisborough Estate decided to open up land for allotments at the top of Sparrow Lane, between Hunters Hill and the forest.

There are over 100 people on the estate's allotments waiting list and 75 potential holders turned up for a draw held at Gisborough Hall on Thursday.

Names were drawn, followed by allotment numbers, and these were matched. This was the only fair method to decide who should get which allotment, as some plots are easier to cultivate than others.