BCTG. - Mar 25: Patsy Bartram dressage clinic, open to non-members, 01325 332685.

BSPS Area 3a. - Mar 24: Winter show, Yafforth. Tel: 01642 452439.

Cleveland Hunt PC. - Mar 12: Open show jumping rally at The Mill, Stokesley, ring Shirley Hockney, 01642 723577. Mar 17: Open novice and open team show jumping. Send sae for schedule to Kath Neely, The Old Farmhouse, Sexhow Lane, Sexhow, Stokesley. Mar 26: Senior rally, Unicorn Centre, ring Shirley Hockney 01642 723577. Mar 27 & 28: Mid east PC tri and tetrathlon, all age groups, to enter and for shooting practice at Easter ring Liz Nightingale, 01287 660864. Mar 29: Coach trip to Middleham racing stables open day. Contact Claire Sutcliffe on 01642 712948 for more information.

Cleveland Hunt Supporters Club. - Mar 31: Pleasure ride from Gisborough Hall, 10.30, all welcome, tel Susan Perkins 07867 787341. Apr 20: Point-to-point races, Staintonvale, Middlesbrough, help with catering etc required, tel Ian McLeod 07815 183189 or Susan Perkins.

Co Durham BHS Committee. - Mar 21: Equine therapy workshop at Dalton Piercy indoor school, 7-10pm, tickets £10 members, £12 non-members, more details from the secretary Jane McComb on 01325 378980.

Darlington & District RC. - Tuition with Hilary every Thursday, 11am. Mar 10: Dressage for team members, helpers also needed. Mar 11: Bit talk by John Dewesbury at The Four Alls, Ovington, 7.30. Non-members £4.50, including supper. Ring Donna 01833 637873. Mar 14 & 28: Peter Richardson show jumping rallies at Richmond. Mar 16: June Dent cross-country club rally. Contact Joanne 01325 721368. Apr 14: Hunter trial for team members. For details call Joanne on 01325 721368. Subs are now due.

East Cleveland PC. - Mar 24: Show jumping competition for members only at the Unicorn centre, 10-1pm. Apr 7: Mounted rally at Unicorn centre, 1-4pm. Must be pre-booked, contact Chris on 01287 635844 or Claire on 01642 723067.

Hambleton & District RC. - Today: Lunchtime tuition, Ian Brown, 12-2pm. Tomorrow: Indoor hunter trial, open to non-members. Mar 11: Gymkhana night, 7-9pm. Mar 13, 20 & 27: Lunchtime tuition, Suzanne Eeles, 12-2pm. Mar 17: Tetrathlon, open to non-members. Mar 18: Sarah Kruetzer demonstration, open to non-members. Mar 19: Show jumping competition, open to non-members. Mar 20: Senior tuition 7-9pm. Mar 25: Juniors tuition, Ian Brown, 7-8pm; dressage clinic, Ian Brown, 8-9pm. Mar 27: Champion dressage competition, open to non-members. For all enquiries and bookings contact Vickie, 01325 720846.

Hurworth PC. - Mar 17: Area 3 training day, Queen Mary's, shoot, swim and run, names to Mrs P Arrand asap, 01845 597457. Mar 25: Karaoke and quiz, Dog & Gun, Knayton, tickets from Mrs D Renwick, 01609 775245, or committee members. Mar 27/28: Midd East triathlon or tetrathlon, entries asap to Mrs Arrand as above. Riding and road safety training starting, contact Joanna Renwick, 01609 775245.

Middleton RC. - Mar 17: Dressage competition, prelim to elementary, 01325 332685.

NEDEE. - Mar 16: Winter M&M show, Dalton Piercy indoor school, PUK winter championship qualifiers in-hand and ridden, open to all full and part-bred registered native ponies.

Northallerton RC. - Mar 13: Tuition juniors 8-10 yrs, 6pm; seniors, 7-9pm. Mar 15: Tuition seniors, 12-1pm. Mar 16: Combined training competition, Richmond EC, open to all, schedules from Mrs J Coupland, North Lodge, Londonderry, Northallerton DL7 0LZ. Mar 20: Tuition seniors, 1-2pm; juniors 8-10 yrs, 6pm; 11-16 yrs, 7-9pm.

Richmondshire RC. - Mar 11, 18 & 25: Tuition at Richmond EC, 6-7pm. Mar 20: Lunchtime tuition at Richmond EC, 12-1pm. Mar 12 & 26: Tuition at Newstead EC, 6-8pm.

Sidesaddle Association Area 2. - Mar 25: Tack and tog sale, Brafferton village hall, 7pm. Goods in advance, contact Brenda Grey on 01325 315277. Mar 29: Dressage competition, Strang, Washington. Open to non-members, ridden astride or sidesaddle, sae Anne Forster, 16 Rectory Row, Sedgefield, Cleveland TS21 2AE.

South Durham Hunt Supporters. - Apr 28: Hunter trial at Hart Moor. Contact 01642 580986.

South Durham PC. - Show jumping on as usual: Mar 17. Schedules, sae, Mrs D Laundy, Anvil Cottage, North Cowton, Northallerton DL7 0EU, tel 01325 378588.

South Durham SC. - Mar 10: Novice show jumping for horses and ponies, clear round 11am-1pm, at Dalton Piercy indoor school. Enquiries 01429 274881 or 01429 299154.

South Northumberland PC. - Apr 6 & 7: Tetrathlon. Apr 7: Hunter trial at Hedley-on-the-Hill, Stocksfield. Send sae for schedules to Mrs K Stephenson, 207 New Ridley Road, Stocksfield NE43 7QD.

Yarm & District SC. - Mar 11: Dressage clinic, Middleton Stables. Apr 14: Members' spring show, Unicorn centre and Area hunter trial qualifier, Beamish. Apr 27: Inter area show jumping at Richmond. More details from Nicky Dare 01642 598076.

Yorkshire Sport Horse Committee. - Indoor shows on Mar 10 at Richmond EC and Mar 29 at Bishop Burton college, entries telephone Mrs Wood, 01751 431404.

Zetland Hunt PC. - Mar 10: Trailer and wagon driving training at Croft aerodrome, open to all abilities. Mar 21: Child protection awareness course at Summerhouses village hall, essential for all persons supervising children's activities. Open to all. Mar 28: Combined training competition at New Moors, senior and junior classes. For details on all above, ring Lesley 01833 690163. Mar 26: Table top/tack and togs sale, Summerhouses village hall, non-members welcome, ring Vicky 01325 718125. Apr 4: Rally, ring Helen 01325 730699. Entries for Middleton East (Mar 27/28) and South Northumberland (Apr 6/7) tetrathlons, ring Sue 01325 718420.

l Check also Claiming Dates for future events on the What's On page.