A NEW code of conduct was a hidden agenda for getting rid of parish councils, it was claimed this week.

A Government edict says councillors must either register their financial interests or be disqualified from holding a seat on their village councils.

The Darlington Association of Parish Councils heard at Tuesday's meeting that the code had been given a stormy and suspicious reception, accompanied by threats of resignation.

There was widespread condemnation that they were expected to sign it, before training sessions explaining exactly what that entailed.

Coun Michael Brown from High Coniscliffe said: "It is vital at least clerks are told what has to be registered, because nobody is clear about it."

Middleton St George chairman, Coun Brian Jones, said: "Three of our members haven't signed because of the declaration of personal interests. We are not paid to do this job.

"We don't handle millions of pounds and our income is minimal."

Coun Gerald Lee of Heighington agreed: "There is going to be a rebellion against signing this thing. A lot of people turn out whatever the weather and whenever necessary.

"Our objection is that we are not too sure where this is coming from. Most of us here have the trust and respect of our villages. What this is saying is that nobody trusts us.

"It is disgracefully over the top and I feel a lot of parish councillors will resign."

Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent Coun Rodney Burges said: "The bottom line appears to be a hidden agenda for getting rid of parish councillors.

Coun Frank Richardson of Low Dindale pointed out: "We already have difficulty attracting members, and if they have to divulge details of their private and personal life, they will just say we want out."

Coun Tony Wall of Bishopton complained that his members were disgusted at the borough's lack of consultation. "It is worth noting there is no choice in this. It is either sign or resign," said Coun Jones. "The borough solicitor should step in very quickly to allay our fears - or the opposite."

Linda Todd, clerk, said the information about the register was sent out in January, but Coun Burges countered: "It was long on words but short on information"

Hurworth Coun Peter Foster said: "I expect parish councils all over the country are saying the same thing. There should be some feed back on this."

Coun John McGuckin of Heighington countered: "I think this is meant to empower us and with power comes responsibility.

"Parish councils are being asked to adopt the same ethics as the borough council."

The association agreed to voice its concerns to its national body and to ask the training date to be brought forward.

l The parish council representing Aiskew and Leeming Bar near Bedale has been plunged into crisis over the reforms. By July, all seven members will have either resigned or been barred from holding office because they are refusing to sign up to a new code of conduct arising from the 2000 Local Government Act.

l Other points from the association are on page 10.

l Editorial comment page 20.