THE Mayor of Darlington joined forces with a group of Brownies and Guides at the weekend to raise funds for victims of domestic violence.

Councillor Isobel Hartley helped to pack bags at the Safeway store in the town centre, alongside girls from the Darlington Locomotion Division Brownies and Guides to raise money for the Darlington Domestic Violence Forum.

Volunteers from the forum were also at the store to provide information about domestic violence.

Claire Seymour, forum co-ordinator, said: "A supermarket is the ideal place for us to give out information, because there are mostly female staff and shoppers. They can come and look at our stall or talk to us without feeling conspicuous. We are very grateful to the mayor and the girls, who gave up the Saturday to help raise money for us."

The Darlington Domestic Violence Forum helpline number is (01325) 364486 and the website is can be found at