Entries still being taken

ENTRIES are still welcome for the inaugural Richmond Sponsored Fun Run at the weekend. Richmond Rotary Club and Richmond and Zetland Harriers have linked up to arrange the event, which starts at 11am on Sunday. Shields and prizes are on offer to those who finish the two-mile course first in a number of categories, while everyone who takes part will be awarded a certificate. However, the main objective is to raise as much money as possible for the Butterwick Children's Hospice, Stockton, Teesside. Some of the proceeds will also be invested in the running club's youth section. Entry costs £2 in advance or £3 on the day. Sponsorship forms can still be obtained from Bob Pocklington Sports, Bedale; Gilsan Sports, Market Place, Richmond; McDonald's, Catterick Garrison; Stablers, Market Place, Richmond; and the Butterwick Children's Hospice Shop, King Street, Richmond.

GRADUATE MEMBER: Ruth Gladstone, principal committee administrator with North Yorkshire County Council, has qualified as a graduate member of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators. Mrs Gladstone, who lives in Darlington, administers meetings of the council's Richmondshire area committee and the North Yorkshire fire and rescue authority. She was previously head of committee and member services at Richmondshire District Council.

MUSEUM REOPENS: Thirsk Museum reopens after the winter break on Monday, March 25. The next museum lecture is on Tuesday, March 26, when Paul Bryan, head of the photogrammetric unit, will give a presentation on the application of imaging within the work of English Heritage.

PLANT TALK: Thirsk horticulturist Sarah Hopps will give a talk on hardy plants at Ripon Library on Thursday at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £2.50 (£2 for concessions) and are available from the library on (01765) 604799.

NIGHT FLYING: Night flying for student pilots will take place at RAF Linton-on-Ouse and Church Fenton from Monday, March 18, to Thursday, March 21. Bad weather reserve nights will be Monday, March 25, to Thursday, March 28. Flying takes place from 7pm to midnight.

CROSSING CLOSURE: Mot-orists in the Northallerton area have been warned about the temporary closure of the C2 road where it crosses Welbury level crossing, near Northallerton, from 10.30pm on Saturday to 8am the following day.