A THEATRE group will be showing off its new lighting and sound system when it stages its latest production.

The Cockerton Family Theatre Company is performing Aladdin at the Holy Family Social Centre, in Prior Street, Darlington, this week.

The group of adults and children put on a pantomime each year and are hoping to stage even more productions now they have new equipment.

David Conner, from the company, said: "We got more than £3,200 from the Lottery to install new lights and microphones and they should be in place for our performance of Aladdin.

"We are hoping for the first time to put on another show before next year's panto."

The company, which welcomes anyone aged eight or above, is on the look-out for more adult performers to join its group in future produc- tions.

The pantomime is taking place tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday from 7.15pm.

Tickets for the production are available by contacting (01325) 353633.