A landlady is urging people who are unhappy with their tax bills to attend a meeting at her pub next week.

Cath Thompson, of the Bay Horse, in Catterick Village, North Yorkshire, has already considered not paying her business rates to Richmondshire District Council.

She is also unhappy with the amount of income tax demanded by the Government, claiming that small businesses in particular are struggling to make ends meet, with little help from Westminster.

She wants to know what other local people think and has called a public meeting in her pub, which she hopes will prove the catalyst for a protest.

"I realise there is little point in me doing anything on my own. I need support from others who agree we are paying over the odds," she said yesterday.

"If enough people turn up next week, then it could prove to be the start of a formal protest.''

The debate is at the Bay Horse from 8pm on Tuesday.