TRAVELLERS are to be removed from their illegal camp, to the relief of nearby residents and businesses.

The travellers arrived at the council-owned land at Warrenby, near Redcar, a few months ago, because they claimed they had problems at Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council's official site at South Bank.

They signed a good behaviour contract with the council, which provided refuse collection and toilets, and it was agreed the situation would be reviewed after a few months.

However, following numerous complaints and petitions from people living in the Warrenby and Coatham areas and businesses in Warrenby, the travellers are to be told they will have to move.

Officers from the council had recommended to the council executive, which met yesterday, that the site should be made an official overspill site. That was overruled by the scrutiny committee for social inclusion, which met last Thursday and recommended that the travellers should be made to leave.

At yesterday's meeting, the executive agreed with that decision.

Councillor Dave McLuckie said: "This council has bent over backwards in the Warrenby area. We must have a degree of responsibility to the people who pay council tax and we have tried to integrate those travellers at Warrenby.

"What they have done is effectively throw back in the face of this council all we have tried to do. The council has, without a shadow of a doubt, complied with all of its requirements and these people have decided they did not want to."

It was also decided that an equalities officer should be appointed and be given responsibility for liaising with the travellers, and that the whole of the borough should be looked at for a suitable overspill site