POLICE are preparing to stop Tyne Tunnel queue jumpers in their tracks with prosecutions.

Traffic police have teamed up with Nexus to take enforcement action against motorists who flout traffic regulations and jump the queues on the Tyne Tunnel's southern approach road.

The drivers were using the Jarrow A185 lane of the A19 to avoid the queues, then diving left for the tunnel at the last minute - or continuing around the roundabout and making a 90 degree turn at traffic lights.

After years of complaints from more patient motorists, South Tyneside Borough Council made the right turn illegal.

But police estimate that up to 200 drivers a month are ignoring this - most of them regulars offenders.

They were not prosecuted due to lack of warning signs. This will change when the signs go up this week, while cameras operated by Nexus to monitor tunnel traffic will be used to identify lane-weaving offenders.

Inspector Gavin Clark, of Northumbria's motor patrols section, said: "The vast majority of drivers using the tunnel do so with good grace and accept that there are delays at peak times. Being patient means everyone gets through eventually, and actually helps reduce delays.

"It's not only dangerous for motorists to jump the queue, it can also lead to unnecessary frustration and antagonism from other drivers."