A GROUP of teenagers helped to tidy up one of a town's most valuable and historic greenspaces at the weekend.

The young people from Priory Woods School, Middlesbrough, visited Linthorpe Cemetery to plant heather, prune trees and pick up litter.

They joined the Friends of Linthorpe Cemetery to carry out the conservation work, which was co-ordinated by the Middlesbrough Wildspace Pro- ject.

The project cares for green sites such as the cemetery, which has been designated as a new Local Nature Reserve.

For the next six months the youngsters will spend their Saturday mornings working on conservation projects throughout the town. The work will help them achieve a Duke of Edinburgh bronze award.

Sue Antrobus, wildspace officer, said: "They are totally committed to the project and it's a brilliant way for them to find out about the environment and learn practical outdoor skills."