THE RSPCA launched a neutering clinic on wheels in the North-East yesterday to prevent the UK becoming overrun with thousands of unwanted cats.

The new purpose-built mobile neutering clinic will give cat owners on state benefits the chance to have their pets neutered for free.

The service aims to neuter 5,000 cats every year, starting in Hartlepool.

The animal charity claims that every cat neutered by the clinic will make a huge difference to the future cat population.

Each female cat can be responsible for up to 50 million descendants in an average ten-year lifetime, the RSPCA claims.

Local RSPCA volunteers will deliver leaflets before the clinic arrives in an area, to let cat owners know about the scheme and make an appointment.

Cats will receive a general health check and owners will be able to buy their pet an identity microchip at a cut-price £5.

Steve Cheetham, project manager of the RSPCA's neutering campaign, said: "While our ultimate goal is to neuter cats, we must first change attitudes.

"Many cat owners are not aware of the consequences of uncontrolled breeding, and the RSPCA's targeted scheme will try to persuade these people to have their cats neutered before they have a litter.

"It is vital that cat owners do the responsible thing and stop their pets having unwanted kittens.

"A cat as young as three months old can be neutered.

"Not only will neutering ease the growing population, but will also help prevent male cats from wandering off and fighting," said Mr Cheetham.