Worthington CIU Team Knock-out

Quarter final results: Hunwick A beat Leeholme B; Wheatley Hill B beat Durham City; Fishburn B beat Wheatley Hill A; Willington beat Newhouse.

Semi-final draw, to be played on Tuesday, April 9: Willington v Hunwick A at Brandon and Wheatley Hill B v Fishburn B at Leeholme.

Worthington CIU

Team Plate

Quarter final results: Leeholme A lost to Crowtrees; Wingate beat Hunwick B; Ferryhill lost to Belmont; Stanley Central lost to Old Shildon.

Semi-final draw, to be played on Tuesday, April 9: Belmont v Wingate at Fishburn and Old Shildon v Crowtrees at Hunwick.

CIU Singles Championship

Wilf Robson of Murton took the title when he beat Michael Pratt of Old Shildon in the deciding frame of a five frames match.

Pratt took the first frame but Robson came back to level by winning the second. The third brought up a controversial point when with just three colours left Pratt laid a snooker behind the pink with Robson missing the blue by a good margin but no miss was called. Pratt played at the blue six in front but double kissed the ball, allowing Robson to clear up.

Pratt got back on terms in the fourth when he completed a 40 clearance. However Robson landed the title when he got away to a great start in the final frame with a 51 break, establishing a lead that Pratt was never able to catch up.

Worthington CIU Handicap Singles

Quarter final results: Andrew Sugden 14 (West Auckland) beat Keith McLauchlan 18 (Crowtrees); Eddie Rhodes 5 (Spennymoor) lost to Dean Bryden 21 (Wheatley Hill A); Kevin Sample 18 (Brandon) beat Scott Mallaburn 14 (Sherburn Village); Jimmy Evans 7 (Shotton Palms) beat David Blyth 20 (Wheatley Hill B).