STAFF at a North-East chemical complex have helped their firms win a health and safety award.

ABB Process Industries Construction Team and Huntsman Polyurethane Engineering team was chosen by the Health and Safety Commission in recognition of their outstanding contribution to the European Week for Safety and Health.

The companies won the award for their commitment to safety at the Aniline Plant at Wilton, near Redcar, Teesside.

The firms removed redundant equipment, replaced parts of the structure and pipe support and encapsulated and removed asbestos insulation.

They also ran a safety poster competition.

Peter Flinn, head of consultancy for the process industries division in the UK, said: "We have a long history of working with our customers on their Health, Safety and Environment programmes.

"We are also proud to announce that we have recently achieved eight million hours of safety without a reportable accident and, as far as we know, we are the only people within our industry to carry this accolade."