NORTH-East pensioners will support a campaign for free transport by asking people to sign petitions this week.

As part of the National Pensioners' Convention (NPC) campaign for free national bus travel, pensioner groups throughout the UK will petition the public for its support and urge people to call on their MP to sign Early Day Motion 753, supporting the idea.

Scotland, Ireland and Wales will have free transport for senior citizens by October and the NPC believes England should follow suit.

NPC transport advisor, Bob Sears, said: "Free nationwide bus travel would be a tremendous benefit to all older people, helping them to stay independent and mobile.

"That is why all groups should contact their local MPs and put forward our case."

North-East pensioners will petition Houghton-le-Spring today, North Shields and Silksworth, in Sunderland, tomorrow, Wallsend on Friday, and Newcastle on Saturday