A HOLD-UP to repair work on a crumbling railway bridge was no closer to being sorted out today.

North Yorkshire County Council is hoping to carry out urgently-needed improvements to the bridge barrier at Dalton-on-Tees, near Darlington, after it was highlighted as one of the worst in the region.

But the authority said it could face a delay of up to three months because Northern Electric was planning to move two electricity poles at the same site.

However, the company put the ball back in the council's court yesterday, saying it was awaiting a reply over the cost of the work.

A spokesman said: "We have provided North Yorkshire County Council with the requested budget estimates for the necessary work and await their reply on the issue.

"As soon as we receive written confirmation that our costs have been accepted, we will discuss with the local authority a plan to complete the work as quickly as possible."

The bridge has been the scene of at least two serious accidents in recent years, with vehicles crashing into the flimsy wooden fencing.