A NORTH-EAST man has offered his own unique tribute to the Queen Mother.

Creighton Carvello, from Middlesbrough, who is in the Guinness Book of Records for his record-breaking memory feats, put his thoughts about the royal grandmother down on paper and set them to music.

A record was made with North Ormesby singer John O'Malley singing Mr Carvello's three verses, which included the words: "You led us by example and showed how life should be."

Mr Carvello said yesterday: "It more or less sums her up."

He had written the song in celebration of the Queen Mother's 100th birthday, but revised it following her death.

The resulting record was played at Liberty's pub in Longlands, Middlesbrough, as their salute to the Queen Mother.

Holy Trinity Church, North Ormesby, rang its bell 101 times to mark the royal funeral, but while Middlesbrough's shopping centres observed a two-minute silence, shoppers out in the street did not