WORK on creating a car parking area for people in Newton Aycliffe was halted for a day after a woman protested she had not been consulted.

Helen Collin, 33, of Crosby Road, said the first she heard of the plan to build seven car parking bays near her house was on Monday, when officials were seen in the street.

On Wednesday, she was horrified to see diggers start work and found out the bays were to border her garden.

Although a petition asking for extra car parking had been distributed several months earlier, which Mrs Collin did not sign, she says she was unaware the work was to start.

Mrs Collin accepted the need for the car park, but said: "Surely the council have to notify people who are going to be affected by things like this? They can't just railroad you,

"If I'd had a letter through the door telling me what was going to happen I would have been in touch with them some time ago and probably come to an amicable conclusion."

Although her protests caused the work to be stopped, the machines returned yesterday to start the job.

A Sedgefield Borough Council spokesman said: "We have spoken to Mrs Collin in some detail and fully considered what she had to say. However, after further careful consideration, we are continuing with the scheme to provide seven car parking bays ."

Mrs Collin said: "This only affects me. Everybody else is going to benefit but me. I don't understand how they don't have to inform me."