A NURSERY has been described as excellent by inspectors from the Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted).

In February, the Ofsted inspectors visited the George Dent Nursery School, in Darlington, and the report of their findings recognises the continued good work at the nursery.

The inspectors said in their report: "This is an excellent school. The majority of children are on line to exceed the expected standards by the time they leave.

"The school is very well led and managed, relationships are excellent and the teaching is very good.

"Children learn quickly and make good progress during their time in nursery. It provides an excellent basis for children's future learning."

The report also said the school had no significant weaknesses.

Work singled out for praise included the strengthening of links with parents.

Teaching was described as very good overall and excellent.

The nursery was last inspected in 1998 when it received a similar glowing report.

Headteacher Pat Pennington said: "Our continued progress is a tribute to the hard work of the schools staff, governors and the pupils."