The funeral of 19-year-old Caroline Stuttle who was killed while backpacking in Australia was taking place today.

Miss Stuttle died nearly two weeks ago after falling 30ft from a bridge in Bundaberg, 220 miles north of Queensland, after she was attacked.

Her funeral was taking place at All Saints Church, Huntington, York, close to to where she lived.

The service was being led by the Rev Chris Cullwick and was to include tributes from family friend Brian Gledhill and Jo Taylor, Miss Stuttle's psychology tutor at York College.

The hymns included The Lord is my Shepherd and Abide With Me.

There was a collection plate in church for contributions to a fund to be set up in Miss Stuttle's name by her family. The family have said it is to be used to help other young people ''realise their dreams''.

The funeral service was being followed by a strictly private burial.

An inquest into Miss Stuttle's death was opened and adjourned in York last week when a coroner heard she had died from ''massive head and spinal injuries due to a fall from a height''.

She was attacked as she returned to a caravan park where she was staying with her schoolfriend and travelling companion, Sarah Holiday, 19.

Australian police arrested a drifter, Jeremy Wilson, 21, but he was not charged with any offence relating to the teenager's murder.

He pleaded guilty last week at Bundaberg Magistrates Court to six drug charges and was jailed for seven months.