NUNS with the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Poor are putting their faith in distance learning with Newcastle College.

The sisters are taking a Certificate in Basic Counselling Skills in order to conform with Government regulations regarding care of the elderly.

The four women embarking on the course have also completed a Diploma in Business Coaching with the college and believe the knowledge they are gaining is helping to provide a better quality of care for the 500 elderly people they look after in homes across the UK and Ireland.

Regional manager, Sister Kathleen Taylor, said: "The new Government regulations mean we must look closely at how we operate and ensure that we are communicating with and motivating our staff.

"The aim of the course is to develop our self awareness, improve relationship building and enhance personal effectiveness."

The free course, which does not qualify students to work as counsellors, is aimed at helping managers build on existing coaching skills and communication techniques.

Newcastle College's distance learning unit offers courses ranging from sports psychology to business excellence and modern management.