A HEADTEACHER is urging parents to help crack down on youths taking part in gang warfare.

Dr Bob Dingle, of Seaham School of Technology, east Durham, spoke out after three teenagers were arrested in two outbreaks of armed combat in the town.

Groups of youngsters gathered on the school playing fields on Saturday, then in Church Street in the town centre on Monday, armed with chains, baseball bats, sticks, shovels and golf clubs.

When the police arrived, most of the youngsters - some thought to have been as young as eight - fled, although three 13-year-olds were detained.

Many of those involved were pupils at either Seaham School of Technology or St Aidan's RC School, Sunderland.

Police recovered about 20 weapons.

Dr Dingle said that while nobody was injured, the school was trying to involve parents to help prevent a recurrence of the fighting.

"Parents are responsible for these youngsters for 19 hours out of 24, but sadly I see very little evidence of them having knowledge of, or controlling, their children's behaviour," he said.

"This is a big wake-up call for a number of parents. We want to avoid it being a visit to hospital, or worse."

Dr Dingle said that those responsible for the fighting were a minority.

"We have identified groups of youngsters and they have been spoken to," he said.

"We have also arranged for the police to speak to them. I am hopeful and fairly confident that we can beat this."