Cestria Afternoon WI

THE president welcomed members and county visitor Freda Weatherspoon to our AGM. A minute's silence was held in memory of fellow WI member the Queen Mother. The Golden Thread was read by Connie Crompton.

Lists were circulated for the summer trip, the birthday lunch and the group meeting. A report was given of the council meeting held at Stanley. The cup for the annual competition was presented to Gina Felton.

Members were reminded that the computer course begins on April 25. The financial report was given by Carole Winstanley, the committee's annual report by Liz Coulson and the president's address by June Ritson.

A talk was given by Freda Weatherspoon, mainly on how to attract new members. The committee were all re-elected and the president for the coming year will again be June Ritson.

Congratulations were given to Marjorie Smith and her husband on the occasion of their golden wedding. The raffle was won by Freda Weatherspoon. Our next meeting will be in the parish centre on May 8 and will be our birthday lunch.

Chester Moor WI

ELSIE Haddick opened the meeting and welcome members. Jerusalem was sung and there was a two-minute silence in memory of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

Unfortunately the speaker was unable to attend. The short business meeting included the minutes of the previous month's meeting and last year's AGM, also the treasurer's report.

Elsie Haddick was re-elected president for a further year.

Members are looking forward to the evening at Dobbies Garden Centre arranged for May. There was a discussion on proposed days out. It is hoped to visit Richmond, the Lake District and perhaps Edinburgh.

The door prize was won by Hazel Lewis. The annual prize for the most competition points was won by Alice Agnew. The next meeting is on Tuesday May 7 when the competition will be for a home-made birthday card.

North Lodge WI

THE April meeting of North Lodge WI was opened by the president Mrs B Dawson. Members observed a minute's silence to remember Mrs M Cudworth, a North Lodge member, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

Mrs J Rennie then read the minutes from the March meeting and dealt with the correspondence and County Letter. She then gave her report from the Spring Council Meeting.

The speaker was Mr A Pollard from Bywell Fish and Game Smokery. He was very interesting and the smoked duck was delicious.

The competition, a photograph in County Durham, was won by Mrs M Thirwell, second Mrs J Rennie. Mrs Rennie also won the competition entry for the group meeting.

Mrs M Winter and Mrs F Greenwell will be attending the Durham County Federation Jubilee tea party on May 21 in the town hall. Members are looking forward to the Spring group meeting in Lumley Community Centre on May 2.

May 9 is the date of the next meeting in the United Reformed Church (Bethel) at 7pm. The speaker will be Mr B Readman from Annfield Plain on the subject of hats. New members and visitors will be very welcome.

Wentworth Park WI

THE April meeting and AGM was held at Ouston Community centre on April 11. The president welcomed all members and especially the visiting WIA, Janet Gibson. After the reading of the minutes of the last meeting and the monthly newsletters, Maureen Barwick gave her report on the annual council meeting, jokes included.

Freda Weatherspoon discussed the proposed changes to the constitution with mambers and Pat Dinning gave us a very comprehensive review of financial statement.

Iris Robinson read the secretary's report for the year and Audrey Stephenson gave a very emotional review of her year as president.

Janet gave a talk about the strengths of WI members and then took names for nominations for president, again Audrey Stephenson was elected.

The members excelled themselves again by providing a tempting faith supper. The door prize was won by Pat Stephenson.

The competition was a home-made crown which will go forward as the WI entry for the group meeting. This was won with a wonderful creation by Shirley Smith.

The evening ended after arrangements were made for the group meeting and future events