A GROUP of volunteers has started work to transform a school play area.

Pupils, teachers and volunteers will join forces to renovate the yard at Skerne Park Primary School after a donation from three businesses made the project possible.

Orange, Cummins and Quickfit have all given money to the project.

The play area has already been cleared and work will soon start.

The companies have given the school enough money to build seats in the yard and to buy play equipment, including a train made out of logs.

Headteacher Di Teasdale said: "At present there is no seating for the children to use. One area floods and the original bushes are so overgrown that it doesn't lend itself to imaginative play.

"Play is very important for children and is an essential part of their social and personal equation.

"An attractive and stimulating play area encourages youngsters to learn to play together with consideration for others."

The work is expected to be completed by the end of the summer term.