YOUR anonymous correspondent (HAS, May 13) has the temerity to cast some aspersions at Steve Thoburn.

I couldn't care less whether I deal in metric or imperial, but, like Steve and his mate Neil Herron, I care passionately about Britons' right to freedom and democracy. These men have shown tremendous courage and determination in the face of intimidation and bullying by the authorities in their efforts to preserve British independence.

How I wish men of their integrity were leading our country, instead of those who erode democracy, condone lying, employ spin and devious means.

One of Tony Blair's deceptive ploys is to say if we don't join the single currency, we will be outside Europe. Another favourite is that we will have influence in Europe if we join the euro. Our interests, being so diverse from Europe, mean they will often differ from theirs.

In saying 'No' to the euro, our trading power will still be influential in Europe. - J Heslop, Gainford.


SURELY we now have the perfect person to fill the vacant plinth in Trafalgar Square.

Dame Hilda Bracket was a genius. Her humour was divine and she had a partner who knew her way round a piano. What an act.

Thanks to Patrick Fyffe's death, the media has just lost one way of making us laugh.

I shall never forget seeing Hinge and Bracket perform at Hull New Theatre in 1984 and staying on after the show to get their autographs.

Patrick Fyffe deserves to have his story told in a film. He epitomised everything that was great in British light entertainment.

May God bless the talented actor and his family. - Aled Jones, Bridlington.

PATRICK Fyffe, aka Dame Hilda Bracket, will be sorely missed as an entertainer.

Hinge and Bracket were a unique act. Their gentle humour and elegant performances brought a breath of quirky, eccentric British comedy to the stage.

I remember thoroughly enjoying their show at Billingham Forum Theatre some years ago. The two gentlemen dressed as elderly ladies never stooped to the vulgarity generally associated with such acts.

Patrick Fyffe and his stage partner George Logan gave an excellent nostalgic musical performance.

Their huge talent lay in their ability to make the audience completely forget they were anything but Dear Ladies. - EA Moralee, Billingham.


PREDICTABLY, the London media and their right-wing stooges in the regions have begun to degrade the proposals for regional assemblies for Yorkshire and the North-East.

Tory politicians have come out as not only being against the moves but also have promised that, should any assembly be set up anywhere in England, they would abolish it should they be in a position to do so.

This represents hypocrisy of the highest order. The 'No' campaigners claim to be standing up for democracy when, in reality, they couldn't care less about the opinions of the regions.

Yorkshire and the North-East need their own strong voices in Whitehall, Europe and beyond if either region is to become a serious economic and political player. The South-East, as ever, will do anything to keep us under their thumb. - Martyn Clayton, Holgate, York.

THE majority of people in the North-East are fed up with the two party system. During the past 20 years, both the Tories and Labour have failed to deliver and sustain employment opportunities for the younger generation.

Both embrace student tuition fees, which have been abolished due to Liberal Democrat influence in Scotland and Wales.

General Elections are won by creating jobs in the affluent South-East and ignoring the North-East. That is the main reason why there is a strong demand for a North-East Assembly.

However, we have the Prime Minister and other high-profile MPs in Government who could update the Barnett Formula and thus give the North higher grants for industrial investment, NHS, education, social services and tourism.

Tony Blair could appoint a Minister for the North.

I welcome the debate, but many local people inform me that they are not prepared to pay more council tax to fund the Northern Assembly, so during the forthcoming months, councils will be concentrating on survival rather than issues that concern their constituents!

May I remind the public of the last changes to the administration of local government. The Cabinet system has led to a 20 per cent increase in council tax by Sedgefield Borough during the last two years and three poor departmental reports on the services it provides. This is not progress. - Councillor Ben Ord, Chairman, Spennymoor Liberal Democrats.


Sarah Foster's article (Echo, May 14) was incorrect in stating that Bear Bottoms was the North-East's only specialist teddy bear shop.

We have our very own in Darlington, called simply The Teddy Bear Shop. It's a lovely little shop in Skinnergate, Darlington, where you are invited to go in for a browse or a hug. The staff are very helpful and patient, and the bears are wonderful. - Mrs B Bruce, Darlington.


I DON'T see what all the fuss is about regarding calls that Stephen Byers must go. It was the Tories who started privatising everything, the railways have been in a mess for years and all they care about is money, keeping the shareholders quiet.

Labour voted against most things when in opposition. Now they have the chance to reverse everything the Tories have done but won't.

Do you know why? Because they are Tories carrying the Labour flag. - J Hoodless, Darlington.