KAREN Cheesman's recently- awarded certificate in management from the University of Newcastle, proves that she takes her own advice when it comes to lifelong learning.

The 26-year-old works co-ordinating management development programmes provided in Consett by the Derwentside Industrial Development Agency (Dida).

She liaises with universi-ties and other programme providers, companies and their employees, and has found the time to gain a management qualification with two years of hard work.

Along with Nicole Thompson of International Cuisine, of Consett, she has been awarded the certificate in management practice.

Ms Cheesman said: "I completed a training needs analysis project based on my work at Dida as part of the certificate and, although it has been a lot of hard work, the programme has helped me in my job."

Ms Thompson, human resources manager at International Cuisine, said: "As a company we are very committed to training and development so we take advantage of the prog-rammes on our own doorstep. In my role I have to set an example to other staff."

Dida business services co-ordinator, Joyce Robson, said: "We congratulate both Karen and Nicole on their success."