RESIDENTS of Trimdon Village and the surrounding area are invited to a healthy lifestyle course.

The Passport to Health initiative starts in Trimdon Village Hall on Thursday, June 27, from 11.30am to 1.30pm.

It will be held every Thursday, for eight weeks, and a crche will be provided.

The course will include an opportunity for residents to experience healthy cooking and receive a free recipe book.

Participants will also enjoy gentle exercise and free complementary therapies and gain information about stress, foot health, back pain and other ailments.

All those who attend will receive their own "passport" for which they can collect stamps to trade for prizes.

Lisa Nevens, Passport to Health co-ordinator, said: "Anyone living in Trimdon Village and the surrounding area is welcome to come along.

"The course promises to be fun-filled but very informative. I recommend booking, as places are limited."

To book a place, or for more details, contact Ms Nevens on (01325) 321234 before June 27.