YOUNGSTERS at a North Yorkshire school certainly are not going to let the weather go to their heads.

Lady Lumley's School in Pickering has launched a Stay Healthy in the Sun campaign, reminding pupils, and teachers, of what to do.

The campaign follows the "slip, slop, slap" routine of slipping on a T-shirt, slapping on a hat and slopping on some sun cream.

And now on sale at the school are some "healthy hats" to help the youngsters follow the advice.

Deputy head teacher Trevor Boag said the campaign had first been introduced by an Australian teacher who was on placement with them.

"Pupils are advised to cover up to protect their skin and eyes, especially in school PE lessons," he said.

Teacher Jane Bartlett, the school's health co-ordinator, said: "Pupils have modelled the ideal ways to dress for the sun in assemblies during the week.

"We have emphasised that with cool shades their eyes can have trendy protection."