HOMEOWNERS have been warned to be on their guard against intimidating tactics employed by a travelling gang of builders.

Police issued the warning after officers were called to the house of a woman in her 60s in Sacriston, County Durham, last Thursday.

A leaflet had been pushed through the woman's door advertising their services and she received a call later in the day from the trio, who all spoke with Irish accents and were aged between their early 20s and mid-40s.

They charged her £500 for work she agreed to let them carry out to the guttering and fascias on the outside of the house, asking for the money in cash.

But when she pointed out there was still work to be done, the oldest of the three said that was beyond the original agreement and that any extra work would cost her a further £150.

Worried by their intimidating behaviour, the woman agreed to pay the men £400.

Meanwhile, her son, who had returned home while the dispute took place, was concerned enough to call the police.

Although officers arrived to prevent a possible breach of the peace, no criminal offence had taken place and they could only offer advice.

Police believe the team is currently touting for business across the Sacriston and Chester-le-Street area.

Sgt Max Newby, of Chester-le-Street police said: "There is no doubt the woman felt threatened by the builders' attitude, and we would always advise people to be wary of employing anyone who just calls at the door."