PEOPLE in Hartlepool look likely to have their wish for a new sports facility granted.

Two years ago, families and young people were consulted on what they wanted for the King George V Playing Field, at West View.

After Hartlepool Borough Council received a Sport England Lottery grant of £417,000, work could start on the redevelopment by late summer.

The money will go towards a multi-use floodlit pitch designed for hockey, football, netball and basketball, a new pavilion, with changing rooms, and a meeting room for community groups.

A small skate-boarding park has also been proposed.

The plans, which go before the council's cabinet next Monday, have been recommended for approval.

The scheme also received £45,000 from the North Hartlepool Partnership, £22,000 from the council's community safety fund and £5,000 from the council's sports strategy capital funding.

Hartlepool mayor Stuart Drummond, who chairs the cabinet, promised better sports facilities for the town during his election campaign.

He said: "The grant from Sport England is absolutely tremendous and I am sure local youngsters are as delighted and excited as I am by the news.

"I am so pleased that Sport England and the North Hartlepool Partnership are giving their backing to this important project, which would bring a much-needed facility to the north of the town."

If the scheme gets final approval from the mayor and his cabinet later this month, it is hoped developers will start work by August.

The council's planning department first received plans for the development in August 2000, when the existing changing room building was going to be refurbished.

Since then, amended plans for a new pavilion have seen the costs rise from an initial £250,000 to the final total of £489,060.

A report by Oliver Sherratt, head of sport and recreation, says that the scheme has great potential.

He says: "The sporting benefits of the proposal are considerable. Not only will a new pavilion improve the facilities for players using grass pitches, but also a new versatile outdoor hard court will be built, which consultation shows, would clearly be in demand."