PEOPLE in the Darlington borough are to have a say in the preparation of a blueprint which promises to shape the future of the area.

Throughout this month and July, Darlington Partnership and Darlington Borough Council will hold community involvement events at a variety of venues for people to give their views on what they would like to see change.

The events will form the first part of a ten-month programme to produce the first Darlington Community Strategy, which will be implemented from next April.

After the initial events, a draft document will be drawn up, and the public will get a second chance to have an input when that document goes out for consultation in September and October.

The strategy has come about because of Government legislation urging local authorities to produce forward planning documents.

However, Darlington has previously drawn up a community plan, which pre-empted the legislation.

The plan is seen as a "shared agenda" between public sector agencies, the business community, voluntary sector community groups and others, and is aimed at improving the social, economic and environmental well-being of the community.

The public's input seeks to ensure that the plan is led by the community.

After the second phase of consultation, the strategy will be launched in November.

Once it has been put in place there will be an annual cycle of planning and monitoring, mostly done through the Darlington Assembly.

Community involvement in the town starts at Skerne Park Community Caf on June 13, followed by meetings at Firthmoor Community Centre on June 17, at the Open Learning Centre at Eastbourne School on June 20, at Cockerton Library on June 25, at Red Hall Community Centre on June 27, Corporation Road School on July 4, Mowden Infant School on July 10, the Cable Office in Whitby Way, on July 8, Harrogate Hill Junior School on July 15 and Whinfield Junior School on July 16.

A town centre public involvement day will be held at the Dolphin Centre, Darlington, on June 28.

Other meetings will be held at Hurworth Grange Community Centre on June 18, Bishopton Village Hall on July 1, Heighington Village Hall on July 2, High Coniscliffe Primary School on July 3, Sadberge Primary School on July 9 and Middleton St George Primary School on July 11.