A ROYAL visitor was given a welcome fit for a queen when she toured two landmarks at the weekend.

People in period costume lined up to honour Queen Victoria and her husband, Prince Albert, on Saturday as they visited Kirkham Priory, in North Yorkshire, on their way to Castle Howard for another royal engagement.

The re-enactment commemorated a visit to the area by the former monarch more than 150 years ago. On that occasion she passed the priory on her way to Castle Howard - but she did not call in.

This time, the couple were escorted on a tour of the estate by Nathaniel Ringwood, also in authentic police costume - including handcuffs, truncheon and whistle - who was able to recount tales of theft and murder in the area.

The royal party was also entertained by musician Richard York, who performed songs from the era on instruments including a concertina, pipe and tabor and border bagpipes, while George McDigger arranged a show with his dancing jig dolls.

The couple continued to Castle Howard where they enjoyed a reading of work by Charles Dickens and helped plant a tree to commemorate the golden jubilee.

Punch and Judy shows and a circus ensured Victoria and her husband were amused, while similar events are planned at the castle for today, including a royal tour of the Temples of the Four Winds.

"It has been quite busy and visitors have been quite excited about greeting the queen," said a spokeswoman for Castle Howard.

"The castle staff have also been entering into the spirit of the occasions, dressing as domestic staff to add to the atmosphere, while some of our visitors have also arrived in costume."