THE doubters and the sceptics had said few would bother to celebrate the Queen's 50-year reign. But how wrong they were.

Thousands of people across the region got into the swing of things over the weekend, with a range of events marking the golden jubilee.

From cathedral services to street parties, fancy dress events to glorious parades, people marked the occasion - helped by bright sunshine for at least half of the weekend - with fun and community spirit.

The Northern Echo's photographers and reporters were able to capture some of the revelry for readers to enjoy in the following pages.

But the celebrations did not stop with Sunday night.

With two full days of holiday to go, royal fans are preparing for more.

York's formal salute to the Queen is planned for today with a parade leaving York Minster at noon for the city's Museum Gardens, where a 21-gun salute is planned at 1pm by the 101 (Northumbrian) Regiment, Royal Artillery.

In Darlington, street parties will be held in Redmarshall and Bishopton school grounds, Red Hall school and community centre, Thornfield Road, St William's Church hall, and West and East Green, in Heighington.

In Staindrop, a barbecue, dancing and children's sports will be held in Raby Park.

Evening celebrations include a Pimms and wine party followed by 50/50 dancing at the Croft Spa Hotel and a jubilee ball at the Hall Garth Hotel.

Between 10am and 4.30pm there will be jubilee picnic in the grounds of the Durham Light Infantry Museum and Durham Art Gallery at Aykley Heads, in the city. The event will include military bands, display teams, a barbecue and three park benches will be dedicated in memory of military campaigns.

Between 10am and 4pm in Durham's market place an activity day, featuring teddy bear parachute jumps, fancy dress competition, a treasure hunt and car raffle will benefit St Cuthbert's Hospice.

More traditional bank holiday fun takes the form of the annual Meet, in Richmond, North Yorkshire.

There will be a carnival procession through the town's streets from 10am this morning.

The emphasis is as much on family fun, with live entertainment planned in the town's Friary Gardens from 11.30am and a fun fair on the cobbled market place in the shadow of the castle