Spennymoor Town Council has awarded scrolls of honour to two headteachers and two church ministers.

Peter Beresford has been a teacher at Rosa Street Primary School for 34 years, most of that time as headteacher of the 262-pupil school.

John Blaylock, has been headteacher at the 257-pupil King Street Primary School, in High Grange Road, since 1996. He has worked at the school since 1984.

The Venerable Stuart Bain, Vicar of St Paul's Church and Area Dean of Auckland, who was appointed Archdeacon of Sunderland earlier this year, and the Reverend John Mason, minister at Trinity Methodist Church, also received scrolls.

Councillor Bill Waters, leader of Spennymoor Town Council, said: "All four men have been a wonderful asset to Spennymoor and the surrounding area.