WORSHIPPERS gave England's World Cup hopes some divine inspiration by tuning in to the game from their church pews.

Football-loving Reverend David Tully was well aware that the minds of his flock might be elsewhere yesterday, so he brought in a 6ft screen to St John's Church, Gateshead, and allowed them to watch the match during the service.

A life-long Newcastle United supporter and chaplain to the team, Mr Tully said: "People might think we are worshipping football - or David Beckham. But I don't want people to be praying for victory for England, I want to put it into the context of prayer for sportsmanship."

Another reason for the Rev Tully's special interest is his friendship with Ron Hogg, Assistant Chief Constable of Durham Police. He is working alongside police in Japan to prevent hooligans from spoiling the World Cup.

"He has a massive responsibility and I want to support him through prayer," said the Rev Tully.

At half time, the church-goers watched The Ultimate Goal, a video of Christian footballers talking about their faith in God, and how they came to realise it was more important than their desperate desire to succeed in sport.

The emphasis, though, was on enjoyment.

"I want people to be relaxed and enjoy the occasion," said the Rev Tully. "And I want people to cheer - it wouldn't be natural if we didn't cheer when England scored."

St John's attracts about 80 worshippers on a normal Sunday, but the Rev Tully enjoyed an even bigger turnout yesterday