GARDENERS are being urged to get out their paint pots and join an initiative which police are hoping will help beat the burglar.

Garden sheds and garages are now a favourite target of thieves, and community safety teams have been touring the region, urging the public to take a closer look at security.

Now, Harrogate Community Safety Officer Lorraine Rose is urging gardeners to "paint it pink".

"Basically, all we want people to do is paint valuable tools pink, or any other vivid colour of their choice, which will make it less attractive to a thief.

"A bright colour could affect the resale value of something like a power drill, a hedge-trimmer or a lawnmower. Admittedly, it may not look as nice as it did when it was new, but at least you may stand a better chance of keeping it as a thief is unlikely to want to go to the trouble or removing the paint.''

Other crime prevention tips include having tools etched or marked with postcodes.

Further information is also available in crime prevention leaflets distributed from police stations across the region.