MESMERISED youngsters sat patiently as storyteller Taffy Thomas appealed to their imagination.

The stories by Mr Thomas, who was awarded an OBE for his storytelling and charity work, were part of the celebrations at St John's Chapel Primary School's golden jubilee party.

The event was a double celebration, because the school marked the opening of its jubilee garden, which was created on derelict land left after the demolition of the school kitchen.

The garden, which has already received an environmental award from Durham County Council, has been divided into sections to be enjoyed by youngsters at the school and people in the community.

As well as the storytelling corner with special chair and wooden seats for the children, there is a picnic area, bogland, a section for wild flowers, raised beds for growing herbs and vegetables, and a well-kept colourful flower section.

The garden also has metal mushroom seats, designed by artist Graham Hopper, for the children, and rocks from Heights Quarry, which were set in place by one pupil's father, with his tractor.

On Saturday, the school opened its doors to parents, children and villagers for a party to celebrate the Queen's golden jubilee with a marquee, refreshments and other entertainment.