PEOPLE living in Darlington did not let the dull weather dampen their spirits yesterday.

Street parties and celebrations went ahead across the borough despite the dark clouds and threat of rain.

People living in Oakdene Avenue, Darlington, held a street party in the back lane.

Bunting, Union flags and pictures of the Queen decorated brick walls while a canopy shielded revellers from the rain.

Peter Hadley, 51, of Oakdene Avenue, said: "We wanted to celebrate the jubilee but also to have a get-together with friends."

Redvers Lamb, of Blackwell, also enjoyed the party. He said: "It was a great day for the adults, but also we hope it was a great memory for all the children. When they are older they will be able to recall how they celebrated the Queen's Golden Jubilee."

Elderly residents, and those living near Darlington Manor residential home in Falmer Road, Eastbourne, had plenty to keep them entertained.

Their party started at noon when whistles were blown, and bells and gongs rang out.

Revellers then tucked into a street party lunch before enjoying a summer fair.

In the evening there was live music followed by the lighting of a beacon fire and a fireworks display.

People living in Thornfield Road and the surrounding area also enjoyed a jubilee street party, with festivities getting under way at 10am.

Food and children's activities were on offer throughout the afternoon. The adults continued to party till midnight.

In Barton Street there were similar celebrations. A children's street party was held in the morning followed by a barbecue for adults in the afternoon in St William's church hall.

The event was organised for residents in Devonshire Road, Gloucester Place, Essex Way, Cornwall Avenue and Somerset Grove.

Villagers in Heighington enjoyed an all-day event on West and East Green, with a street party and children's entertainment, including a Punch and Judy show