A SERIES of events and activities are planned throughout Sedgefield borough during National Volunteers' Week.

The week starts on Friday and is an opportunity for voluntary groups to thank the volunteers for their time and commitment while also asking more people to give some help.

Emma Howitt, co-ordinator for Sedgefield Borough Volunteer Bureau, said: "During Volunteers' Week, we are hoping to encourage people to come forward to use their passions, interests and skills within the community in a positive and rewarding way."

With long and short-term opportunities available during the day, evening and at weekends, the bureau can help find the right task for the volunteer.

Ms Howitt said: "People can call in to one of our information sessions in Newton Aycliffe, Spennymoor or Sedgefield during the week to find out more."

She added: "Volunteering offers something different that you can't find anywhere else.

"There is a real reward and sense of fulfilment to be had from giving your time and skills for no monetary reward, but for the benefit of others.

"With 22 million adults involved in formal volunteering each year in the UK there must be something in it."

The Volunteer Bureau will be at Newton Aycliffe Learning Shop, Thames Centre on Tuesday, June 11, from 3pm to 6pm, and Friday, June 14, from 10am to noon; Spennymoor Community Learning, Festival Walk on Tuesday, June 11, noon to 2pm; Sedgefield Advice and Information Centre, Town Council Offices, Front Street, on Wednesday, June 12, from noon to 2pm.