HEAVY rain may have put people off joining in the fun at a North-East event yesterday, but organisers have still hailed the event a success.

Fewer people than expected turned out for the Barnard Castle Meet parade, in County Durham, which started at the Glaxo factory at 1pm, but those who turned out had a wonderful time.

Meet secretary Carmel Woodhouse said she feared nobody would turn up at all because the weather had been so bad.

She said: "It had been raining all morning, so I think a few of the floats didn't turn out. But we still had quite a few things in the parade.

"There were a couple of floats, four jazz bands, a military band and the town band."

The main event on the showground was packed with people, as families turned out to enjoy the rides and attractions, including a rotating climbing wall, paint-balling and go-kart racing.

The meet is usually held during Whit weekend, but organisers put the three-day event back this year so it would coincide with the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations.

Mrs Woodhouse added: "We had a really good day. The showfield was packed.

"Hopefully, next year we will have better weather."