PLANS for a mobile skateboard park to tour towns in Sedgefield borough could move closer this week.

Sedgefield Borough Council's cabinet is to be asked to approve the purchase of equipment for the park.

The idea, based on a scheme in Canada, is to visit each town in the borough on at least one day a week.

The estimated cost of the project is £52,000 and financial contributions have already been secured from several sources.

Great Aycliffe Town Council has approved a contribution of £17,000, which would entitle the town to two sessions a week.

But the council has said it may withdraw the offer if the facility is not in place before the school summer holidays.

Spennymoor Town Council has confirmed a contribution of £8,500, allowing one session a week.

The Safer Communities Initiative has approved a £2,000 grant and an application to the council's youth development fund for £5,00 will be submitted shortly.

Talks with a potential private sector sponsor are expected to be finalised in the next few weeks.

Youth worker time has been allocated to the project by Durham County Council's education in the community department.

There are also ongoing talks with Chilton Parish Council and the Anti-Social Behaviour Task Group, which could result in two more contributions of £8,500.

The plan is that up to 25 young people would be able to use the skateboard park at any one time, and would be charged £1 each.

A report to cabinet says: "The interest generated by the mobile skateboard scheme is now extensive and is being felt beyond the boundaries of Sedgefield borough.

"We feel that the physical presence of the equipment would encourage more partners to be engaged in the process and, as a result, provide the necessary finance required to complete the funding package."

The council's cabinet had previously agreed that an order for any equipment should not be placed until a financial shortfall of £25,000 was met.

On Thursday, members will be asked to order the equipment and make up any shortfall from within the leisure service departments capital programme