THE reality of life in Britain under an occupying army was brought vividly to life when Roman legionnaires marched back into a town they invaded in the third century.

Aldborough, near Boroughbridge, was linked to the Roman capital of York by road and river.

The Romans are thought to have regarded the town as an important outpost on the route north to Hadrian's Wall, in Northumberland.

The Cohors Quinta Gallorum group, from South Shields, Tyneside, re-enacted Roman military and domestic life for visitors to Aldbrough over the bank holiday weekend.

Weapons, armour and techniques used in hand-to-hand combat were on show.

Visitors were given an insight into the grisly implements used by Roman doctors to treat the wounded.

There were also demonstrations of the Romans' more peaceful life at home, including workshops on forms of writing, an introduction to the gods they worshipped and the games they played to amuse themselves.