THE parents of a little girl who suffers anaphylactic shock when she drinks milk have come up with a novel way of warning teachers about her potentially deadly condition.

Carl and Sarah Agar-Brennan, whose 13-month-old daughter, Ellie, is lactose intolerant, have designed a series of T-shirts to warn other adults that milk can kill her.

The couple, of Hartburn Lane in Stockton, Teesside, designed a T-shirt which bears the words on its front: "I am Ellie no milk please, Toxic Shock."

They have now been inundated with requests from friends who have children who are similarly affected to produce a range of T-shirts.

The couple now plan to sell the T-shirts to nurseries, schools and parents.

Mr Agar-Brennan said they were spurred into action following a terrifying incident one day at the nursery Ellie attends.

He said: "One of the adults confused her with another girl and gave her some milk by mistake.

"Of course, cows milk is lactose in its purest form so she immediately went into an anaphylactic shock which, in extreme cases, can kill people.

"When we picked her up from nursery she was inflamed red from the neck up, her eyes were like slits and her head had swollen about half-an-inch bigger all round.

"She didn't have a clue what was going on and must have been absolutely terrified.

"After that she was even wary of us giving her a bottle."

Following this attack, Ellie's parents investigated ways of identifying a child who suffers from an allergy. But they found that he bracelets and chains that are available in such cases are usually covered by clothes.

So they decided to form their own company, Allergy T-Shirts, to put the message on the clothes themselves.

Mr Agar-Brennan said: "Our child is not ill and she doesn't need medicine. She's a lively, happy girl, but she doesn't know how to say 'No Milk'."

The T-shirts are designed for children between the ages of one and five, who are unable to explain the potential dangers.

They are available by phoning Sarah Agar-Brennan on 07973 741454 or by visiting the website