A BLUEPRINT for the development of a town is to be unveiled today.

The result of a two-year study, the dossier will set out priorities on how to make Middlesbrough safer, create jobs and skills training, encourage inward investment and improve the quality of life and health care.

Middlesbrough Mayor Ray Mallon said: "The launch of the strategy is quite an historic moment.

"It marks the first time that the public, private, voluntary and community sectors have united behind a single strategy for improving the quality of life for Middlesbrough citizens."

Jonathan Porritt, chairman of the Sustainable Development Commission, will launch the strategy plan, drawn up by the agencies working to improve life in the Teesside town.

He will be joined by Mr Mallon and Young Mayor Adam Gallagher, as well as representatives of the various partner organisations.

Community representative Jeanette Walker said the document was a breakthrough.

She said: "It shows that all Middlesbrough's organisations and neighbourhoods, including police, health, university, schools and voluntary organisations are pulling in the same direction."

Helen Pickering, deputy vice-chancellor of the University of Teesside, said: "Investing in our people is at the heart of the strategy and the university is proud to play its part and equip the future citizens of Middlesbrough with the skills and confidence to excel in all walks of life."