A WOMAN dressed as Compo from the TV series Last of the Summer Wine arrived at a village's golden jubilee celebration yesterday on a pick-up truck with ferrets in her pockets.

The stunt was part of the fancy dress competition at Croft, near Darlington, and won Doris Cameron first prize in the adult competition.

Bob the Builder, alias Trevor Chaytor-Norris, was second, with Andrew and Sally Lilly as Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter in third place.

Their children also entered into the fun, with brothers Connor and Jaymes Lilly winning a prize as Tweedledum and Tweedledee.

Charles Headon, chairman of the jubilee organising committee, who dressed as Rupert the Bear, said: "We have had four days' worth of celebrations, and have been blessed with lovely weather."

On Saturday, Croft villagers gathered for a party. On Sunday there was a flower festival and organ music in Croft Church, and on Monday a 1950s lunch was held at the Chequers Inn, in nearby Dalton, followed by Pimms and snacks in Croft Village Hall in the evening, and a buffet dance at the Croft Spa Hotel.

Yesterday, Mr Headon said there was a good turn-out for an interdenominational church service, with the fancy dress parade in the afternoon, adults' and childrens' sports, and a ceilidh in the evening at Croft Village Hall.

The celebrations ended with a firework finale and community singing of Auld Lang Syne and God Save the Queen last night