GOVERNMENT officials are to be asked to look into how children buying soft drinks this holiday are being charged high prices.

Middlesbrough Council is asking the Office of Fair Trading to look at the cost of drinks, coupled with the ban by some venues on allowing youngsters to take along their own refreshments.

The council's trading standards team is also submitting the results of its own survey carried out in and around the town.

Officials found the equivalent cost of two litres of coke fluctuated from just £2.80p at the town's Neptune Leisure Centre to £8.78 at the Showcase Cinema at the Teesside Leisure Park.

The average price for a shop bought two litre bottle of Coca Cola is £1.34p and for Pepsi £1.24p.

Of 12 venues looked at, only the UGC Cinema said that visitors could bring their own drinks.

Councillor Ron Lowes, Middlesbrough's lead member for the environment and liveability, said: "There is bound to be a difference between a supermarket price and that at a leisure centre or cinema - we accept that.

"But it is still hard to see how some of the prices can be justified - particularly at venues where they already have a captive audience.''

He added: "The message to parents, of course, is shop around and check if you can bring your own refreshments when you are planning a day out.''

Laboratory tests carried out on samples bought at several venues contained as much as 12 level teaspoons of sugar in half-a-litre of drink