THREE schools have proved to be on top form when it comes to arts education.

Laurence Jackson School, Guisborough, Ormesby Comprehensive, Middlesbrough, and Holy Trinity Junior School, Stockton, have won Artsmark awards from the Arts Council of England in recognition of their commitment to the arts in school.

Chris Lord, headteacher at Laurence Jackson said: "We are indebted to everyone for their hard work in achieving this award, in particular our art, drama and music teachers."

Mrs Julie Edmundson, arts co-ordinator at Holy Trinity, said: "Staff and children have worked hard and also had a lot of fun achieving this award."

Ormesby headteacher Colin Algie said: "I'm delighted that the arts council has recognised Ormesby School's progressive well-balanced arts education programme."

Peter Hewitt, chief executive of the arts council, said: "Artsmark celebrates the importance of the arts in education and rewards the commitment of schools to introducing children to the arts at an early age."